5 Speedy Steps to Rev Up Free Traffic to your business.

get started on content marketing - business ignite

Are you looking for an easy, reliable way to attract more traffic to your business or website? Think free! Without spending a penny on expensive marketing Ad campaigns, it is possible to drive visitors from around the globe and increase your chances of getting organic traffic to your business.

In this guide, we provide five speedy steps to rev up free traffic to your business. And to get started, you need to pick one or more of the following intentions to create your content:

  • To Educate
  • To Inform
  • To Entertain
  • To Instruct
  • To Sell

Remember, based on research done by Obelo.com, there are currently 600 million blogs. That means, to ensure your Blog gets clicked, read, and shared – it must contain one or more of the following success elements.

  • A captivating headline
  • Content that your audience finds valuable
  • Minimal fillers or fluff
  • References, citations, and data. (learnt during your Uni years)
  • Backlinks (a tedious & time-consuming process*)

But there is good news. I’m about to give you some tools and strategies to help speed this process up.

Now let’s get started to develop your Content using these five easy steps.

1. Use Content Topic Tools (Non-generic output)

Gone were the days when writers spent hours and hours trying to find the correct headings and topic contents to write Blogs.

In the past, we used SEMrush to generate content topics and captivating headlines to help me write better. The tool identifies highly searched keywords, phrases, and themes, as well as gives us the top ten blogs (with the highest traffic) on a subject that we can use to draft and produce Content.

Now, we use ChatGPT and its free (at the time of writing)

It’s good enough if you want to kick-start some ideas to generate some generic-styled topics. 

Regardless, we still rely on Semrush as their data is based on search traffic. See below for more information.

blog marketing, 5 Speedy Steps to Rev Up Free Traffic to your business.
blog marketing, 5 Speedy Steps to Rev Up Free Traffic to your business.

Semrush and other Content tools are not cheap. Their subscription plans could cost between $130 and $450 per month, USD, not AUD.  These tools are not worth the investment unless you are a marketing agency.

Unless you are a Business Ignite member, you get those available reports for free.

Click here to find out how you can become a member.

The other free alternative is to use Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends.

I’ve tried them both, and free things can only get you so far.

In my opinion, I would elect the paid tools such as SEMrush and Ahref, and you don’t have to pay anything to get those reports if you are a member of Business Ignite.

blog marketing, 5 Speedy Steps to Rev Up Free Traffic to your business.

2. Identify the Keywords For Your Article

Once you have selected a specific topic or headline using SEMrush and Ahref Content topic tool, the next step is to extract their proposed KEYWORDS for your article.

Now, ChatGPT is excellent, but they don’t have the statistics and traffic data (as yet) of the highly searched keywords in real time that you can embed in your content.

The strategy here is to discover highly searched Keywords and determine the category of consumers and prospects you want to reach, and then embed these high-intent keywords into your article that make logical sense so that your content appears on the Google search result page.

3. Decide on the Intention Of The Content

This section gets easy if you are an expert in your subject matter.

When you write the article, decide whether or not it is informative, educational, influential, or motivational.

Identify your target audience. Then, write as if you’re speaking directly to that specific reader known as your target audience.’

First, you list 3 – 5 concepts as subheadings based on the headline.

Under each subheading, you elaborate your answer by addressing the What, When, Why and How.

4. Write Your Content with any of these 3 Methods

Nowadays, if you need to sustain your reader’s attention, you must aim to deliver valuable Content in your Blog and write it with an editorial style that makes reading fun. Here are three ways to speed up your content development.

    • Dictation and Keyboard Tools
      You, as the Author, write & dictate your insights and knowledge to create the Content.
      For more elaboration, read this Post

    • Engage a Content Writer
      You subscribe to a monthly plan to access their writers and pay by words. Costs per word average $0.06 to $0.10 (USD) depending on the quality of the writing.
      For more elaboration, read this Post

    • Use AI Content Tool
      AI Content Tool may achieve a faster result.
      AI tools have only one benefit: the speed to auto-generate 2 to 5 generic-styled content to provide you with a generic chassis for your Blog.

      AI has limitations; you must inject it with your Insight and wisdom to enhance your content for your target audiences. For more elaboration, read this Post

5. Publish it on your Website (Lite-technicality)

Once you have edited and proofread your Blog and Content, it is time to Publish it on your Website.

If your Website hasn’t been registered on Google Search Console or indexed properly using sitemap.xml, you may want to read this Post.

Let’s get started on publishing your Blog on your Website

Here’s how.

*You must have a WordPress website

laptop with wordpress logo - business ignite
  1. Access your WordPress
wordpress login page - business ignite
  1. Post
pointing on posts - business ignite
  1. Create Post
pointing to add new button - business ignite
  1. Upload > Copy and Paste.
word and wordpress post side by side - business ignite
  1. Publish
pointing to wordpress post publish button - business ignite
  1. Check to see if its online.
blog grid - business ignite

To make Life easy, create a Single Post template or Archive Post.

Let us do it for you if you don’t have the time.

You are not done yet. The next stage is to get someone to optimise your Blog.

You can get one of your admin staff member, or outsource this task to us.

To find out how to Do It Yourself, click on this link.


In the age of digital marketing, it is essential to build free traffic to grow your business. By following the five speedy steps to rev up free traffic, you will be on your way to attracting more leads and developing customers in no time. Start by using content topic tools that give non-generic output, then identify keywords for your article and decide on the intention of the content. Once you have done so, craft the content with dictation, engage a writer or AI content tools. Finally, make sure to publish it online and start spreading the word out there. With these tips in mind, your business can be booming in no time!

But if you’re still feeling unsure where to start or have any questions – why not join our business growth workshop or mastermind? You will have access to resources and like-minded people and learn valuable skills that can fast-track success. So what are you waiting for? Get involved today and start seeing results tomorrow!

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Victor Kon

Victor Kon is a “business builder” entrepreneur, trusted business advisor, and catalyst to your success. He helps entrepreneurs optimise, automate, and grow businesses that can run without heavily relying on sweat equity. With over a decade of experience running successful businesses in a multitude of sectors, Mr. Kon now utilises the expertise he garnered in those endeavours to help others achieve the same success in their ventures. Read More.

If you need help implementing your Business & Marketing strategies, do reach out to us, click here.


Picture of Victor Kon​

Victor Kon​

Victor Kon is a "business builder" entrepreneur with over a decade of business experience. He is a Certified Business Advisor and a Certified Practising Marketer. He helps business owners optimise, market, and grow their businesses that can run without relying on sweat equity


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