Start Your Day With Gratitude

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly running on a treadmill as a business owner? It’s easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of striving for more sales and success, only to realise that time is slipping away faster than you can keep up.

But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle and find more fulfilment in your business and personal life?

The answer, according to many successful entrepreneurs, is gratitude. By starting each day with a grateful mindset, you can shift your focus from what you lack to what you already have and attract more abundance and joy into your life.

Therefore, start every day with Gratitude and bring abundance into your Life.

Here are TWELVE affirmations to start your day with Gratitude

  1. I Give Thanks to my parents for their love, medicine, protection, food, shelter, teachings, and discipline so that I am Whole and Complete to accomplish anything I want.

  2. I thank the Divine, Holy, and Celestial beings for their spiritual guidance that helped me evolve into the person I am today.

    • I am grateful for your protection for the many near-death events I could have experienced.

  1. I am grateful to indulge in my five senses: sight, sell, hearing, taste, and touch.

  1. I am grateful for the ABILITY to Think, Solve Problems, Analyse logically, and make positive changes in my Life.

  1. I am grateful that I live in a Country with potential abundance where I don’t have to hunt for food or live in fear of being eaten alive by wild animals.

  1. I am grateful to sleep peacefully, protected by walls and a roof.

  1. I am grateful to have the ability to breathe and live in the moment.

  1. I am grateful for my ability to Eat, Shit, Drink, and Laugh without any pain and agony.

  1. I am grateful for the opportunity to witness the sun rising and setting on any day I want.

  1. I am grateful to live in a suburb where I can take a stroll or a jog to a nearby botanical park/ garden, paid for by my fellow taxpayers past and present.

  1. I am grateful for inheriting the treasures of political & economic freedom and the healthcare system in this Country.

  1. I understand that my thoughts are like passing clouds, and I will not let them disturb my mental stability. With conscious awareness, I will develop an unshakable character.

If you like a Free Copy on developing Clarity, Purpose, and Direction, download it here.

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Victor Kon

Victor Kon is a “business builder” entrepreneur, trusted business advisor, and catalyst to your success. He helps entrepreneurs optimise, automate, and grow businesses that can run without heavily relying on sweat equity. With over a decade of experience running successful businesses in a multitude of sectors, Mr. Kon now utilises the expertise he garnered in those endeavours to help others achieve the same success in their ventures. Read More.

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Picture of Victor Kon​

Victor Kon​

Victor Kon is a "business builder" entrepreneur with over a decade of business experience. He is a Certified Business Advisor and a Certified Practising Marketer. He helps business owners optimise, market, and grow their businesses that can run without relying on sweat equity


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