PROGRAMS terms and conditions

Company Name: Life and Business Wisdom Pty Ltd

These terms and conditions apply to all companies, persons, or entities (“you”) that have purchased and/or are attending the program (“the program”, “seminar”, “course”, “event”, “workshop”, “training”, “masterclass”, “advisory”, “LMS”, “coaching”), which can be online, live, or mixed, organised or delivered by Life and Business Wisdom Pty Ltd, trading as Business Ignite (“we” or “us”). Please ensure you have read and understood the following:

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By paying and completing the booking/registration form or sign-up form for a particular program, you agree to the terms and conditions set out below (“Terms”), and they will be incorporated into the contract between us (“Contract”). You will ensure that you, your employees, partners, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and any other person attending the seminar on your behalf comply with these Terms. The Contract is formed when you receive a payment invoice or confirmation email/invoice.


The price for attending the Program will be as stated on the checkout/booking/registration form from time to time. Prices may be exclusive of tax except where expressly noted otherwise. All payments for the Program must be made in full at the time of completing the registration form and in any event prior to the date of the seminar. If payment is not received within 3 business days of your registration, your registration will be cancelled, and the payment of any refund will be at our complete discretion. Payment will be made via our merchant account provider (and you consent to us passing your necessary details to the merchant account provider and for them to process essential information about you). We reserve the right to amend the price and any other promotions as we think fit.


You will receive an email confirmation of tickets or booking confirmation, and we will have your name on the attendee list. If you have paid the registration fee, you shall be provided with access to the Program.

Liability and Disclaimer

The Program presented to you is purely consultative in nature and will be delivered in a manner of mentorship, guidance, and advice. The information provided is intended for educational purposes and does not constitute any financial, legal, or clinical advice on any subject matter. If in doubt, you are encouraged to seek proper legal, financial, or medical advice from a registered practitioner.

Furthermore, some Programs are regarded as group advisory/training coaching sessions where you will be presented with ideas, concepts, strategies, tools, exercise worksheets/implementation workbooks, fill-in templates, documents, or instructional guides about business, internet marketing, and life strategies in general. It is at your discretion to apply our recommendations, tips, and teachings based on your conditions. We take no responsibility.

To elaborate further, any materials, earnings, results, concepts, and potential income presentations made by us, our testimonials, or in any other Programs developed by us are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary, and yours will depend entirely on your innate attributes, past and present business skills and experiences, sales psychology, individual capacity, mental attitudes, work ethics, the economy, level of motivation, the standard and unforeseen risks of doing business, opportunities presented, preparation, diligence, and other factors.

Furthermore, trainers, teachers, educators, and other associate companies are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own decisions, execution, implementation, and the evaluation and use of our training, products, software, and services should be based on your due diligence. You agree that we are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services.

Our sole liability concerning any cancellation, postponement, or change of venue shall be limited to the price paid by you for such a seminar, and we shall not be liable under any circumstances for any consequential losses.

Your Obligations

If you act in any way which, in our opinion, is likely to cause disruption, disturbance, harm, or nuisance to any person at the Program, you will be required to leave the Program. We shall not be liable to refund your registration fee or any other payment. Failure to comply may result in you indemnifying us for any monetary loss and legal costs until the matter is resolved.

You must keep your personal belongings with you at all times, and we accept no liability for any damage to, loss of, or theft of any of your belongings or other items brought to the seminar by you.

Intellectual Property

You acknowledge and agree that any content and material presented does not provide you with any interest or title in, or right to use, during the training or after the completion of the Program. We own the intellectual property (IP). You acknowledge and agree that our intellectual property may not be otherwise used, copied, reproduced, or altered in any manner.

Promotional Materials

You agree that we may include your details in any promotional materials relating to the seminar and any materials used at the seminar. We are not liable for errors or omissions contained in such information.

If qualify, you permit us to attach your company logo or business name on our website and marketing material to convey that you have attended our Programs.

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright for any such promotional materials and any materials used at the seminar (including course notes, slides, brochures, articles, and case studies) belongs to us. It may not be reproduced in any medium without our prior written consent.

You may use such materials for your own business purposes only and may not reproduce, publish, or deal with such materials in any way for any commercial use.

We reserve the right to change the published Program (including the publicised speakers/trainers) or materials as we think fit.

We may wish to photograph or film the Program and reserve the right to promote future seminars or otherwise. You consent to us (or any other person attending the seminar) photographing or filming you and any persons attending the seminar with you. You shall not photograph or video the seminar without our prior consent. If you wish to remain anonymous, please notify us by email.

Data Protection

We will communicate with you using the contact details provided on the registration form for the Program. All registration data will be housed in our Client Relationship Management system. However, we have overseas contractors working with us to market, promote, and deliver customer service on our behalf. You agree for them to contact you from time to time to resolve and provide services to you and your company.


There are no refunds, and you will remain liable for the agreed full payment based on the terms of the agreement despite any notice of cancellation unless it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. Death
  2. Terminal illness certified by a specialised medical professional
  3. Conditions set out in sections 10, 11, and 12

If you are unable to attend the seminar for any reason, you may email us at to provide us with either: A) The name of a substitute to attend the seminar on your behalf, and upon receipt of this email, we shall make such a substitution and allow the substitute access to the seminar, or B) A request to move the reservation date to the next seminar date, subject to availability and our approval, and provided that there are no price increases. If you opt for option B, you can only have one reallocation.

There is no refund if the Program is delivered via MS TEAMS or ZOOM or any other teleconferencing or webinar software.

Furthermore, any bonuses provided are deemed as complimentary and may be replaced, subtracted, or removed from time to time. They are not part of the core offer and, therefore, are not eligible for dispute, refund, or the 100% satisfaction guarantee.


If we cancel the seminar, you will receive a full refund of the registration fee that you have paid to us, and we will make every effort to provide you with such a refund within 20 working days of the date of cancellation.

There may be circumstances in which we need to postpone the Program, and if we do, we shall advise you of this as soon as possible.


You shall maintain the confidentiality of the content given in the Program, both during and after the Program. You agree not to use, copy, disclose, publish, make available, distribute, or otherwise exploit the confidential information, directly or indirectly, without first obtaining the written consent of Business Ignite (or Life and Business Wisdom Pty Ltd), except as required by applicable laws; provided that you shall have promptly notified Business Ignite of such requirement before the disclosure of the confidential information.

Limitations of Liability

Whilst every reasonable precaution is taken by us to ensure security and safety at the Program, we shall not in any way be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you whatsoever in relation to the Program, save that nothing in these terms shall be deemed to limit the liability of any person for death or personal injury caused by negligence.

Nothing in these terms shall limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, any fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability for which it is unlawful to exclude or limit liability. Our total liability for any matter arising out of the contract shall in all circumstances be limited to the price paid by you for the Program, and we shall not in any case be liable to you for any consequential loss whatsoever.

Let's Talk

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